Showing 19–27 of 31 results
Vishuddha women’s necklace
41,60 $Throat Chakra – Vishuddha
Element: Ether
Colour: Blue
Sound: ham
Vishuddha is associated with communication and is the seat of expression. It affects creativity, will, determination, choice, and activity.(ceramic pendant-size – fi 33 mm )
Throat Chakra necklace
41,60 $Throat Chakra – Vishuddha
Element: Ether
Colour: Blue
Sound: ham
Vishuddha is associated with communication and is the seat of expression. It affects creativity, will, determination, choice, and activity.( Pendant size – 33 mm fi )
Viking Compass or Vegvísir
41,60 $Viking Compass or Vegvísir
The Viking Compass or Vegvísir necklace is made of ceramic. the necklace gives the appearance of a stone and both side prints can be worn by women as well as men . The necklace is packed in a cute gift box and you can use it as a gift . Different occasionsThe vegvísir is composed of eight Viking runic staves. It is similar to the Helm of Awe/Aegishjàlmr, but there are some differences between them. The eight runic staves in vegvisir respectively stand for four cardinals (north, south, west and east) and four directions between mandrels (northwest, northeast, southwest and southeast). The eight directions and the central point (which stands for the Midgard) are the basic elements in the composition of vegvísir.
Some people believed that the eight runic staves in vegvísir respectively stand for the eight direction (north, south, west, east, northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast). They and the central point also represent the nine realm in Norse mythology. The central point stands for Midgard, the human world in Norse mythology, as well as the sign posts to the other eight realms and the corresponding protection.
Some other people hold the view that when a nail is placed in the center of Viking compass, the positions of its shadow at certain time of the day indicate the direction, in that way it helped Vikings in voyages and guided them through rough weather. Therefore, a reversed Viking compass might show you the opposite direction. According to Fen Alraun, the orientation of Viking compass does not really matter, because the eight staves in vegvísir do not indicate the exact directions, but correspond to eight protections.
Root Chakra necklace
41,60 $Root Chakra – Muladhara
Colour: Red
Muladhara is associated with your family ties, feelings of survival, belonging and a sense of security.( Pendant size – 33 mm fi )
Crown Chakra necklace
41,60 $Crown Chakra – Sahasrara
Element: cosmic energy
Colour: purple or white
Sound: OMThe crown chakra connects with beauty itself and the spiritual world. It helps you to understand who you are beyond your physical self – that you are a spiritual being having a human experience.
( Pendant size – 33 mm fi )
Heart Chakra necklace
41,60 $Heart Chakra – Anahata
Element: air
Colour: Green
Sound: yam
Anahata awakens in you the power of unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance( Pendant size – 33 mm fi )
Sacral Chakra necklace
41,60 $Sacral Chakra – Swadhisthana
Element: water
Colour: Orange
Sound: yam
Swadhisthana is associated with your reproductive and sexual organs and represents fluidity, creativity and fertility.( Pendant size – 33 mm fi )
Solar Plexus Chakra Necklace
41,60 $Solar Chakra – Manipura
Element Fire
Colour: Yellow
Sound.Manipura is related to your attitude towards your personal power. When Manipura is in balance, you feel alive and have the confidence to take action and be productive.
(ceramic pendant size fi 33 )